Films I'm Anticipating to see in 2012 (so far)

In no particular order, here are the following films I'm looking forwards to so far:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

I know it's one of those stories that just feels like "been there, done that," but I truly believe there's always something magical about watching Peter Jackson's films that screams epic journeys that tests the trust between the brotherhood of comrades. Do watch the trailer. The scene where Bilbo says "I can't just go running off into the blue. I'm a Baggins of Baggin," it was so Martin Freeman like with his hilarious deadpan style of humor.

Moonrise Kingdom

Although, Wes Anderson films are always a hit or miss for me, I'm particular fond of this storyline and the way it's presented in the trailer. I might have never finished Darjeeling Limited, I did enjoy The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou, and Rushmore. The plot focusses on a boy that runaways from camp along with his lover, which then prompts the whole town to search for them. There was something that felt sort of French New Wave-esque about the scenes in the trailer, maybe it's the humor or just the Francoise Hardy song playing in the background. I'm really surprised that the Owen brothers were not part of this film, but I'm looking forward to seeing Edward Norton and Bruce Willis in it. If you plan to watch this film, be prepared for some deadpan quirky humor.

The Great Gatsby

I remember my junior year of high school we were required to read The Great Gatsby for AP Language, and I found it slightly interesting. Of course, the requirement of having to read a book always makes me enjoy it a bit less. From what I still remember about the book, there were themes about the disillusionment of the American dream, social decline, gender roles. Of course, anything with Carey Mulligan in it, I'm definitely going to watch. She's such a lovely actress with a wonderful voice that I just want her to do a voice reading of some Jane Austen book. I can hardly wait to see this film, I am definitely going to enjoy the wonderful clothes of the 1920s.

The Dark Knight Rises

Who isn't going to watch this?! Christopher Nolan has yet to fail me when it comes to directing and writing suspenseful thrillers. Thank god he revamped the Batman images within this decade after the shameful films directed by Joel Schumacher. 


I haven't been much of a Ridley Scott fan, but I will check this out. I'm still not sure how the title relates to the Greek Myth but Michael Fassbender is in it, so it should be interesting.

Django Unchained

So the plot focusses on a freed slave that joins together with a German bounty hunter to seek revenge on his evil plantation owner. With Tarantino directly, loads of bloody violence is definitely going to be involved in this film. I'm pretty sure I'll find this film interesting, Tarantino always has his ways of captivating his audience with interconnected story lines that always ends in some twisted confrontation.

The Amazing Spider-Man

Andrew Garfield is in this. Enough said. I go mad like a fan girl whenever I see or hear his name. From what I get from the trailer, I'm definitely getting some sort of hipster-Spiderman vibe from this. Well, it wouldn't be that surprising seeing that the director did (500) Days of Summer. Definitely going to watch this!! I wonder if the film is going to stay true to the ending of Gwen Stacy and Spiderman.

Anna Karenina
Directed by Joe Wright. Although I haven't read the book yet, the synopsis does sound interesting. I'm pretty awful at getting into books about aristocratic socialites and their twisted romance life, but I will definitely be up to watch one in film. After looking at the cast list, it seriously looks like an epic British cast/Atonement pt 2. I was saddened to hear that Benedict Cumberbatch couldn't be part of the ensemble. The only person that troubles me so far about the cast was hearing Aaron Johnson was in it. His performance in Kickass has made me cringe to this day at any other film he's in. 

I'll add more films later.

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